Tuesday, August 31, 2010

KNEE PAIN……………….is it Arthritis?

Many young and elderly people complain of knee pain. Almost all the people who experience knee pain for any reason ask a common question………….Is it arthritis?  Some people have undergone various treatments intended for arthritis and still suffer from pain.

What is the cause of my knee pain? Is every knee pain due to arthritis? how to relieve knee pain? Do I  have to depend on pain killers throughout the life?

These are the common questions asked by patients with knee pain at my Nature Car Clinic.

Causes of Knee Osteoarthritis

Deterioration or wear and tear of articular cartilage is the main problem associated with knee osteoarthritis. The condition can be caused by:

· previous knee injury

· repetitive strain on the knee

· fractures, ligament tear, and meniscal cartilage  injury which can affect alignment and promote wear and tear

· genetics which make some people more likely to develop knee osteoarthritis

· obesity (being over weight)

· problems with subchondral bone (the bone layer underneath cartilage)

Knee osteoarthritis typically develops gradually over a period of years.

The primary symptoms associated with knee osteoarthritis include:

· pain (mild, moderate, or severe)

· stiffness (especially after a period of inactivity)

· limited range of motion in the knee

· localized swelling

Knee  pain due to osteoarthritis is usually worse following activity, especially overuse of the affected knee. Stiffness can worsen after sitting for prolonged periods of time. As knee osteoarthritis progresses, symptoms generally become more severe. Pain can become continuous rather than only when weight-bearing.

But one has to know that all knee pains are not due to Osteoarthritis.

The other common reasons for knee pain are:

Overuse knee injuries (including muscle strain, tendonitis and bursitis) may develop gradually over days or weeks. Knee pain is commonly caused by doing too much too soon. Pain is often mild and intermittent in the beginning and worsens over time. When muscles and tendons are stressed even slightly beyond their capabilities, microscopic tears (micro trauma) occur. (Inflammation, which is part of the healing process, is what causes the pain). These tears must be given a chance to heal before subjected to the same activity to avoid overuse injury. One has to treat overuse injuries early to prevent chronic problems.

Knee Pain Treatment

Most of the painful knee conditions respond well to non-invasive treatments such as Marma Therapy temporarily restraining from activities that aggravate pain.  Exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the knee help reduce stress on the knee joint and prevent re-injury.

Osteoarthritis is usually preceded by chronic thigh muscle weakness. When there is a thigh muscle weakness it leads to muscular dysfunction of the knee joint exposing it to micro injuries. This situation is further aggravated by dehydrated articular cartilage which covers the bone ends. Thigh muscle weakness causes pain and feeling of instability of the knee joint. At the first stage of knee pain, if such condition is detected and treated, Osteoarthritic changes can be arrested or prevented. Marma therapy is capable of detecting and treating this condition. Once Osteoarthritis is started and established in the knee, it can not be reversed or cured. 

Body weight plays a vital role in the process of starting Osteoarthritis. One must keep the body weight at it’s optimal level, according to the height and age. Also, inactivity and over activity contributes to this condition, therefore moderate amount of activity should be maintained.

Marma Therapy when applied in combination with weight reduction (If you are over weight), and proper nutrition can be very helpful in counteracting the knee pain of any origin.

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